Parents, School Staff, and Edinburgh Community,
Early morning on Friday, March 7, 2025, East Side Elementary School received a threatening telephone call. The caller stated they were hiding inside the school with a gun and were going to shoot people. On the same call they mentioned there were bombs hidden inside the school.
The Edinburgh Community School Corporation immediately called 911 while at the same time placing the entire school on lockdown. It should be noted that law enforcement was at the school within two minutes.
Police searched simultaneously the interior and exterior of the building for anyone with a gun or any suspected suspicious devices. Once the administration was given an all-clear message students were evacuated to the High School Gymnasium by school bus.
During the evacuation process the administration released three all-call messages to parents to communicate what was transpiring. After students were evacuated, law enforcement thoroughly searched the school additional times which included the assistance of a police bomb dog.
With the assistance of multiple agencies, Edinburgh Police have determined that the caller was from outside of the United States. The caller was not from Edinburgh, Johnson County, or even a resident of Indiana.
I would like to thank all the school staff, law enforcement personnel, and other emergency professionals who helped to ensure the safety of our students. Many lessons have been learned from this incident that will result in making our schools and community even safer.
Dr. James M. Halik, Ph.D.